SUMERNET 4 All is presently drafting an “Environmental Policy for Researchers” that will be finalized and available on this website soon. Below are some excerpts from the latest version.
SUMERNET is committed to the principles of environmental sustainability and the protection of the environment in all our activities. In this phase of SUMERNET 4 All, we are introducing an “Environmental Policy” that sets out measures by which the 15 selected research projects integrate environmental perspectives in their research and project activities and take actionable steps to make their activities more “environment-friendly”.
S4A aims to a. make researchers become more aware of, and attempt to minimize, the negative impacts of research projects and activities on the environment b. reduce our contribution to pollution (air, water and CO2) c. improve our efficiency in the use of natural resources (e.g. energy, water, or paper).
S4A aims for continuous improvement to minimize the negative environmental impacts from all our activities through reducing consumption, saving energy or making energy-use more efficient, and minimizing waste and pollution.
The policy identifies simple steps for greening your practices in conducting research, for example in the areas of waste or energy savings and CO2 emissions, and how to become aware of the impact of your actions on the environment
By following this policy, S4A expects that researchers will become more aware of the environmental choices made when undertaking the research project: how do you plan projects, what kind of activities do you undertake or to collaborate that may be wasteful of energy (airconditioned hotel rooms), or polluting of the environment (disposable plastic for water and food). How - and how often – you travel, and the means of travel that could help minimize environmental impacts.
How do you know you’re being effective? Keep a weekly or monthly record if possible of the above activities. How many were possible to be achieved? Take note of where and when it was not possible, check if further measures can be taken for improvement at the next opportunity. Have continuous conversations with your colleagues on these topics and how to improve attitudes and behavior towards the environment.