SUMERNET is a network consisting of members contributing to the progress of the network.
In SUMERNET 4 All, the programme aims to enhance the participation and influence of network members in the decision-making process within SUMERNET. The network is guided by SUMERNET Network Members (SNMs), who collectively deliberate on strategic issues that have implications for the whole network. The SNMs delegate their authority in taking strategic decisions to SUMERNET Steering Committee (SSC).
SSC membership is drawn from network members and all Mekong riparian countries will be represented within the SSC. The SSC provides independent scientific advice and strategic oversight of SUMERNET. The SSC focusses on program planning and prioritization, science quality and strategic advice, partnership and impact issues.
It provides the day-to-day management, coordination and technical support to the network under the direction of the SSC. Hosted by SEI in Asia, it supports SUMERNET through its four components of SUMERNET 4 All: 1. Multi-stakeholder engagement. 2. Research for policy and practices. 3. Communications. 4. Effective management, network sustainability, and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E).