Activities and Membership

With 70 institute members and a variety of strategies for implementation, SUMERNET undertakes a huge range of activities. Some are listed below – but get in touch if you have good ideas or other actions we can collaborate on:

  • Initiate and implement cross-border collaborative research projects
  • Apply the scientifically proven results and innovations in pilot areas
  • Implement the activities related to proposal development and dissemination of research findings to the policy and wider public through small grants
  • Build capacity through ongoing skills trainings, and investing resources to develop capacity of researchers in the region by incorporating mentoring support of research project teams
  • Convene and support assessments of the state of the knowledge on policy issues in the region
  • Raise awareness, build capacities and highlight the need for gender analysis of emerging environment and development trends in the region and subsequently create gender-responsive measures to mitigate adverse effects on socially vulnerable groups of women and men
  • Convene and join panels at policy and research events across the region
  • Publish comparative policy analyses on timely Mekong Region issues
  • Support dissemination of research findings through books, peer-reviewed journals, policy briefs, and the media
  • Facilitate coordination and networking for knowledge exchange and sharing, both within and outside of the SUMERNET network
  • Monitor and evaluate SUMERNET programmes implementation and achievements, to ensure increased network capacity and contributions to independent discourse on regional sustainable development issues.

You can apply to be a SUMERNET network member if you have not registered as network member yet using this link:

Benefits of SUMERNET Membership

The benefits of SUMERNET membership include the following:

  1. Being part of a growing and vibrant research network in the Mekong Region.
  2. Opportunity to participate and contribute to regional and international events (e.g. workshop, meeting, forum, conference) sponsored by SUMERNET.
  3. Regular access to information on research funding and the opportunity to apply for SUMERNET and also other grants.
  4. Opportunity to provide the inputs and influence relevant strategy or plan of SUMERNET activities.
  5. Inclusion in SUMERNET mailing list.
  6. Eligibility to explore the opportunities to contribute to the programme in the role as the advisors if appropriate; and,
  7. Eligibility to apply, nominate and elect candidates to become members of the SUMERNET Steering Committee
Sustainable Mekong Research Network (SUMERNET)

Sustainable Mekong Research Network

Building research for policy towards sustainable development in the Mekong Region

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