Rajesh Daniel is SUMERNET's Coordinator component for communications. He joined SEI Asia in August 2013 as communications coordinator. He is a writer, researcher and filmmaker with more than 15 years of experience working on issues of natural resources governance in Southeast Asia and the Mekong Region.
His special areas of interest include resource governance especially local forest management, knowledge systems, upland livelihoods and Mekong ecosystems.
He has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, newspapers and magazines and co-edited several books and book chapters on environmental and governance issues. His last two co-edited books are: "Governing the Mekong: Engaging in the Politics of Knowledge" (January 2013) and "Climate Risks, Regional Integration and Sustainability in the Mekong Region" (June 2014).
He has also done scripting and camera in producing several films on the ecology-livelihood connections in Asia and the Mekong region including documentary features "Saving the Chindwin's Biodiversity" (2019) and "The Mekong: Grounds of Plenty" (2013).
In July 2018, the massive dam break of the Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy dam in Laos killed more than 30 people in Laos and left thousands of people homeless in both Laos and Cambodia. The US$1 billion Xe-Pian Xe-Namnoy dam was a "build-operate-transfer" project much
The collapse of the Xepian-Xe Nam hydropower dam in Sanamxay district of Attapeu Province, Lao PDR on July 23 is a major tragedy that took the lives of at least 34 Laotians, with at least 100 more still missing and thousands displaced. The question is: wa
A booklet of policy briefings written by SUMERNET research partners from the research and policy engagement work is now out. The booklet provides policy recommendations for key sustainable development issues in the Mekong Region. It is a product of the co
This report seeks to address a major research gap by adopting an intersectionality approach to better understand the different climate risks, vulnerabilities, adaptation and resilience among people of different ages and different genders.
SEI organized a biodiversity assessment training workshop on 15-16 August 2018. The participants included government organizations, academics and civil society. The aim of the workshop was to build the capacity of participants using tools such as QGIS and
SEI will hold a biodiversity training and media workshop for Myanmar in Monywa from 15-17 August 2018. The workshop is co-organized by Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) and Myanmar Environment Institute (MEI).
“Living with Floods in a Mobile Southeast Asia" Panel Discussion and Book Launch: 18 December 2017, 16:15-17:30 at the Auditorium on the 13th Floor of the Faculty of Political Science Building, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
A "Knowledge Exchange Workshop" between the Chindwin and Mekong River Basins will bring together policymakers, researchers, civil society and the media to share knowledge and good practices on biodiversity assessment and protection in the Chindwin River B
SEI is rated as the world’s most influential think tank on environmental policy issues in the University of Pennsylvania’s 2016 Global Go To Think Tanks Index, billed as the “premier database and measure of world think tanks”.
Chindwin Perspectives, a short film, provides views on environmental issues of the people living in the Chindwin River Basin in Myanmar. The video is produced by the Chindwin Futures programme of the Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Asia Centre, Bang
The SUMERNET research team working on REDD+ found that technical inputs needed for strategy development are lacking.
The research team studying wetlands in Vietnam and Cambodia provide a glimpse of their research methods and their project activities through blogs and short videos.
The research team on “Rice Straw (RS) co-benefits” focused on experiments to assess technology options for Rice Straw (RS) derived fuel-cookstove systems in Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.
A research consortium of institutions from Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand is engaging with multiple stakeholders to identify barriers to and opportunities for the implementation of REDD+ national strategies.
Stories of change from the Mekong Region: Photos exhibit and the project partners at SUMERNET 10th Anniversary meeting, Bangkok, 26 January 2016.
Policy briefings on issues of local participation in environmental assessment for infrastructure and development projects in the Mekong Region were produced in collaboration with the Mekong Partnership for the Environment (MPE) and SEI (Asia).
At the recently concluded "2016 Greater Mekong Forum on Water, Food and Energy" held in Bangkok, SUMERNET talked to Prof. Lu Xing, Institute of Southeast Asia Studies, Yunnan University to obtain his insights into the working of the Lancang-Mekong Coopera
Dr. Wijarn Simachaya, a long-time friend and supporter of SEI and SUMERNET, has been appointed today as the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), Thailand.
The governments in the Mekong Region need to urgently embark on clean energy pathways if they want to achieve environmental sustainability. The critical issue of how the Mekong Region can embark on changes to energy systems and lifestyles was discussed by
Climate change is resulting in severe negative impacts on many food-producing areas of the Mekong Region, posing risks of food insecurity. Starting on 8 August, SEI and the UNEP 10-Year Framework of Programmes (10YFP) Sustainable Food Systems Programme a
The workshop on gender and social equity to be held on 24 August in Bangkok will help SUMERNET partners develop a new gender and social equity research agenda for future SUMERNET projects.
Communicating for Influence: Policy and Media Writeshop during 24-25 August 2016 will bring together SUMERNET and other researchers, policymakers and media to help researchers improve their writing and outreach skills to have influence and impact outside
Inspiring stories of change from the Mekong Region will be highlighted at the tenth anniversary celebrations of the Sustainable Mekong Research Network (SUMERNET) in Bangkok.
The Mekong Region went through an unusually long and intense dry spell in 2015 attributed partly to the El Niño effect. Prominent water experts and policy advisors will explore the urgent issue of drought in the Mekong Region in the upcoming SUMERNET Annu
In Asia and globally, the water-energy-food nexus has received growing attention from policy makers, researchers, and practitioners. Whilst the nexus as a concept seems to be gaining momentum among experts, it is also subject to scrutiny. These two short
In Cambodia and Lao PDR, rubber and cash crop plantations have expanded into farmlands posing difficulties for local people, and in particular, women farmers. In Cambodia’s northeastern province of Rattanakiri, farmers practice rotational cultivation that
A short film on the Ayeyarwady Futures program (AF) provides the various perspectives of the people and institutions involved in the AF program including Myanmar government officials, researchers, academics and civil society representatives as well as co
In December 2014, SUMERNET selected a total of seven research projects for receiving research grants supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and Lower Mekong Public Policy Initiative (LMPPI).
SUMERNET researchers are joining a number of prominent policy makers and researchers in the Asia-Pacific region to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Asia Centre’s founding.
Two major climate adaptation issues relating to the Mekong Region – coastal delta vulnerability and urban resilience – were among the topics highlighted at the 4th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum in Kuala Lumpur (1-3 October), one of the bigg
Forest resources with common pool characteristics face new and complex challenges in sustainable management, was the message that emerged from the SEI-SUMERNET roundtable on “Forest Commons in a Rapidly Changing Mekong”.
Through collaboration between the SUMERNET and Economy and Environment Program for Southeast Asia (EEPSEA), an introductory training on “Environmental Economics” was held in Ho Chi Minh City, 19 – 29 August 2013.
SUMERNET has published an edited compilation of empirical case studies titled "Climate Risks, Regional Integration, and Sustainability in the Mekong Region". This book brings together multi-country studies, each of which included significant engagement wi
In a two-day regional workshop organized by Development Cooperation Section, the Embassy of Sweden, development practitioners and researchers explored potential linkages between environmental sustainability with a human rights based approach. The key take
SUMERNET’s latest research development workshop in partnership with CDKN was held in Bangkok from 23-24 June at the Secretariat office, the Stockholm Environment Institute – Asia Center (SEI Asia).
SUMERNET Annual Meeting and Policy Forum 2011 has been rescheduled due to Bangkok's Floods.
SUMERNET featured on the BBC website.
SEI-Asia and the Danish Institute for International Studies co-host a seminar on new development financiers, civil society and climate change in the Mekong.
SEI Asia is hosting two three-day sessions to support co-authors of a major book on livelihoods, ecosystem services and the challenges of regional integration, forthcoming in 2013.
What are the latest approaches for mainstreaming community-based adaptation into international, national and local planning and processes? IIED’s 7th Annual Community Based Adaptation Conference (CBA7) aims to provide the latest thinking from climate scie
Policy makers, practitioners and analysts including local government agencies and SUMERNET researchers shared their perspectives on research and policy on sustainable agriculture and forestry in the Mekong during the “SUMERNET Policy Forum” and Mekong Env
SUMERNET is proud to announce the launch of our redesigned website to coincide with our new phase of work on addressing water insecurity in the Mekong Region.
Interview with Dr. Hoanh, Chair of SUMERNET's Steering Committee (SC), about our new phase on "water insecuity"
SUMERNET interviewed the MRC’s Chief Strategy & Partnership Officer, Dr Anoulak Kittikhoun, for his views about the MRC’s role in the Mekong River Basin and how to improve transboundary dialogue and cooperation in the future.
SUMERNET partner Dr Sangam Shreshta promotion to full professor at AIT
A short film where researchers explain their work on "water insecurity".
SUMERNET is holding its first capacity building webinar for researchers in the shortlisted joint action proposal teams
SUMERNET announces a call for Expression of Interest for its rapid response grants. Funding support will not exceed US$ 42,000 per research grant for 6-12 months research.
Given the present Covid-19 crisis and the need to understand its impacts on water insecurity, SUMERNET has launched two calls for rapid response/emerging research grants for reducing water insecurities for the poor, marginalized and socially vulnerable gr
Episode 1 features Dr. Sudarat Tuntivivat on including conflict sensitivity in research
Call for Submissions: Blogs on Covid-19 and water insecurity in the Mekong Region
SUMERNET partners’ meeting highlighted the regional network’s work in reducing water insecurities for the marginalized.d.
A webinar by Internews’ Earth Journalism Network (EJN) and the Sustainable Mekong Research Network (SUMERNET)
This template will help you draft new, non-academic content as Stories
Recently, two of our SUMERNET partners Dr Louis Lebel and Dr Carl Middleton were recognized for their consistent academic excellence.
Chayanis Krittasudthacheewa talks about water insecurity and the SUMERNET programme
For World Water Day, we highlight our seven short films focusing on climate risks and water insecurity in the Mekong Region
Sustainable Mekong Research Network (SUMERNET) is providing eight grants worth up to US$2,800 to selected journalists in the Mekong Region for environmental reporting.
SUMERNET will host two online events: “Lancang-Mekong Research and Policy Forums” on 27-28 Oct. 2021.
This template will guide you in writing policy briefings to reach your policy audiences
How can regional Mekong media work together with researchers? A young Vietnamese journalist shares her perspectives from her experience working together with SUMERNET researchers.
Listen to our podcast to learn more on flood risks management (3 May 2023).
Finding policy solutions to the many critical and pressing environmental problems in the Mekong Region
Building a climate-resilient future for the Mekong Region to be highlighted in the Mekong Environmental Resilience Week in Bangkok, 8-9 October 2024.
Youth engagement in the management and governance of water resources is the focus of the 2nd Regional Consultation Workshop on 13-15 November.
A podcast conversation exploring how to build climate resilience through evidence-based policy
The delta is facing an existential crisis as rising sea levels, salinisation, and prolonged droughts threaten to alter the landscape irreversibly.