Rajesh Daniel

Rajesh Daniel is SUMERNET's Coordinator component for communications. He joined SEI Asia in August 2013 as communications coordinator. He is a writer, researcher and filmmaker with more than 15 years of experience working on issues of natural resources governance in Southeast Asia and the Mekong Region.

His special areas of interest include resource governance especially local forest management, knowledge systems, upland livelihoods and Mekong ecosystems.

He has published articles in peer-reviewed journals, newspapers and magazines and co-edited several books and book chapters on environmental and governance issues. His last two co-edited books are: "Governing the Mekong: Engaging in the Politics of Knowledge" (January 2013) and "Climate Risks, Regional Integration and Sustainability in the Mekong Region" (June 2014).  

He has also done scripting and camera in producing several films on the ecology-livelihood connections in Asia and the Mekong region including documentary features  "Saving the Chindwin's Biodiversity" (2019) and "The Mekong: Grounds of Plenty" (2013).


Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) Asia Centre


Component 3 (Communications) Coordinator

Sustainable Mekong Research Network

Building research for policy towards sustainable development in the Mekong Region

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