In December 2014, SUMERNET selected a total of seven research projects for receiving research grants supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and Lower Mekong Public Policy Initiative (LMPPI).
In 2014, SUMERNET launched its Phase 3 (2014-2017) to further strengthen its strategic position towards putting knowledge-based policy engagement at the heart of its research and programme activities. In December 2014, SUMERNET selected a total of seven research projects for receiving research grants supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and Lower Mekong Public Policy Initiative (LMPPI).
These seven research proposals were selected from a shortlist of concept notes that were called for in March 2014. About ten shortlisted concept notes were invited to submit full proposals. The seven projects made it to final approval after an extensive process of review using various criteria including research scope, geographical reach, social effectiveness, and the potential policy outcomes.
The research grants are being provided to a consortia of research institutes, universities, non-governmental and civil society organizations. The minimum requirement is that at least two organizations, from at least two different countries within the Mekong Region, participate in each project. Projects would cover a duration of about 20 months.
A full list of project titles is given below for your reference. A brief profile of each of the projects with further details will be provided shortly.
SUMERNET phase 3 research grantees (as of December 2014)
01 - Comparative study on national REDD+ strategy in Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand (REDD+ in the Mekong)
02 - Understanding, classifying and mapping human use and natural resources in pilot wetlands of cambodia and vietnam to promote sustainable development: A collaboration to study small wetlands (Collaborative study of small wetlands)
03 - Gendered impact of cross-border agricultural investment: Case of rubber plantations in Northern Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia (GIAI-Rubber)
04 - Adaptation pathways for climate-resilient development: Selected cases in Cambodia, Myanmar, and the Philippines (Adaptation pathways for CRD)
05 - Turning rice straw into cooking fuel for air quality and climate co-benefit in selected GMS countries (RS co-benefits)
06 - Recovering and valuing wetland agro-ecological systems and local knowledge for water security and community resilience in the Mekong Region (RECOVER)
07 - Impacts of the east-west economic corridor on local livelihoods and forest resource in Mekong River region: case studies of selected forest-dependent villages in Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar (EWEC-FC)