Wetlands save water for farmers in the Vietnam Delta

This article reflects on the effects of climate change on the local residents in Vietnam's Mekong Delta.

Nhin Tan Thuan By Nhin Tan Thuan - Aug 3, 2022

Before its rapid development in the 19th century, the Mekong delta was inhabited by a few thousand people taking advantage of its rich natural ecosystems to live. The delta was a large wetland of swamp forest ecosystem full of fauna and flora providing food to its dwellers.

Not much of the wetland is left today, but its few remnants still make people’s lives easier. The wetlands protect the farmers living in its surrounding against droughts and floods, two foes becoming more common with climate change.

In U Minh Thuong, a protected wetland in the southwest of the Mekong delta, farmers forget that water becomes scarcer around them and that climate change can decrease rainfall and threaten their livelihoods.

Read more here:  Wetlands save water for farmers in Vietnam | by Thuận Sarzynski | Environmental Ideas | Jun, 2022 | Medium

This story was written by Thuan Sarzynski . as the part of SUMERNET media-research partnership grants and was published on medium.com and local Vietnamese megazine.

SUMERNET provided eight grants worth up to US$2,800 to 8 journalists in the Mekong Region (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Myanmar) for partnership with SUMERNET and affiliated researchers to produce multimedia products on environmental topics in the Mekong Region.

During the partnership (from June 2021- June 2022), young journalists and multimedia producers have delivered different stories, blogs, documentaries on the environmental issues in collaboration with SUMERNET affiliated researchers from the different countries in the Mekong region. Media-research partnership grantees also organized a series of different trainings and sharing sessions for the media capacity development of the researchers.



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